

Finding a Voice cover

The New Public Scholarship (Series)

Published through the University of Michigan Press, this series “encourages alliances between scholars and communities by publishing writing that emerges from publicly engaged and intellectually consequential cultural work. The series focuses on the U.S., although it actively seeks work that introduces comparative or global frameworks.”

Many books in the series are available online through the University Library, Museums & Press

Anti-Racist Community Engagement

Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices Edited by Christina Santana, Roopika Risam, Aldo Garcia-Guevara, Joseph Krupczynski, Cynthia Lynch, John Reiff, Cindy Vincent and Elaine Ward

View in DELCAT | View at Barnes & Noble

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning: A Guide for Faculty Development by Marshall Welch and Star Plaxton-Moore; with a foreword by Elaine K. Ikeda

View in DELCAT | View at Barnes & Noble

Assessing Service-Learning and Civic Engagement

Assessing Service-Learning and Civic Engagement: Principles and Techniques (Edition 2) by Sherril B. Gelmon, Barbara A. Holland and Amy Spring

View in DELCAT | View at Barnes & Noble

Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum

Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum: A Resource Book for Service-Learning Faculty in All Disciplines by Richard M. Battistoni

View in DELCAT | View at Barnes & Noble

Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction

Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction by Kerrissa Heffernan

View in DELCAT | View at Barnes & Noble

Peer-Reviewed Journals

Collaborations: A Journal of Community-based Research and Practice

Community Development (available through UDLibrary, Museums and Press with University credentials)

Community Development Journal

Education, Citizenship and Social Justice (available through UDLibrary, Museums and Press with University credentials)

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement

Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship

Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning

Progress in Community Health Partnerships

Public: A Journal of Imaging America (Archive)

Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal