Research Resources

TRUCEN Resources

As called upon by The Research University Community Engagement Network (TRUCEN), the scholarship of engagement is an opportunity for faculty and staff to engage communities in their scholarly research.  

The Engaged Scholarship Toolkit was discontinued in 2022. An archive of collected resources is available on the website.

TRUCEN Engaged Scholarship Resource Collection

Additional resources from TRUCEN are included on the Publications page.

Broader Impacts Resources

Broader Impacts (BI) is a framework used to analyze how research benefits society, with consideration of inclusion, public engagement, and societal well-being, along with other societal outcomes.

The ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit is published by Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) and Rutgers University.

Broader Impacts Guiding Principles document

Broader Impacts Plan Checklist

The Broader Impacts Wizard helps researchers ensure their research fulfills the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s BI requirements.

Two examples of Community-Based Research

Participatory Action Research (PAR) strategies involve the participants as co-researchers. Unlike the top-down model – researcher as one with the knowledge – in this method, the participant is seen as a contributor to the research process.

PAR is collaborative, critical, participatory, and developmental. It:

  • focuses on enabling key stakeholders to address problems they see as important.
  • is concerned with research alongside stakeholders rather than doing research about them.
  • is concerned with achieving ongoing improvements rather than once-off solutions.
  • links theory and practice and calls for rigorous critical thinking on the part of all involved.
  • aims for ownership of the whole development process by agency stakeholders.
  • argues that each specific change should be determined by those who will be affected by it.

Participatory Photo Mapping (PPM) is a transdisciplinary community-based research methodology that integrates digital tools, narrative interviewing, and participatory protocols for knowledge production (Dennis, Gaulocher, Carpiano, & Brown, 2009). In this method, community members are provided with digital camera and GIS Units. They take pictures of some aspect of their community where change is needed. Next, the photos become the object of interviews that are attached to particular images. The third step entails a mapping of the images with the GIS data. Finally, action items are developed by the participants and presented to policy makers (Dennis et al. p. 468). In sum, this is a method that can engage people in research about their lived experiences. Both qualitative and quantitative data emanates from this methodology.